Lullabay of Birdland / 정민아
Lullaby of Birdland, that`s what I,
always hear, when you sigh,
Never in my wonderland could there be
ways to reveal In a phrase,
how I feel Lullaby of Birdland,
that`s what I,always hear,
when you sigh, Never in my wordland
could there be ways to reveal In a phrase,
how I feel Heard you ever heard two turtle doves,
bill and coo, when they love.
That`s the kind of magic music we make we our lips,
when we kiss *And there`s a weppy old willow,
he really knows how to cry,
That`s how I`d cry on my pillow,
if you should tell me farewell
and goodbye Lullaby of Birdland,
whisper low, kiss me sweet,
and we`ll goFlyin` high in Birdland,
high in the sky up above. all because we`re in love.
*(*Repeat) Heard you ever heard two turtle doves,
bill and coo, when they love.
That`s the kind of magic music we make we our lips,
when we kiss *And there`s a weppy old willow,
he really knows how to cry, That`s how I`d cry on my pillow,
if you should tell me farewell and goodbye Lullaby of Birdland,
whisper low, kiss me sweet, and we`ll goFlyin` high in Birdland,
high in the sky up above. all because we`re in love.
가사 출처 : Daum뮤직
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